Yeah now waiting for Travis to knock off..and finally going to meet Juliana to chill out..yeah..had been unpacking those chemicals and lab ware for whole day! It's tiring man..gosh..everything's not ready for the lab yeah..heehee..but this job is kinda slacking..msn, eat, go out walk around and can just do it..haha..but I don't know whether it will be like this when the term start and lab is ready..hee..and the lunch break is like...2 hours? gosh..we just take our own sweet time..and if you are late..ermm..if you go out of & you never come's...alright..LOL..but you know..I am a good colleagues are really DARING..that's all..heehee..anyway they are all crappers and lamers..
Anyway, I got into NTU! Gosh..I was like hopping around when I got the letter..heehee..Wei Xiong and Viv received also..NUS called me for interview..ermm..I think I will just give it a try..heehe..ermm..but probably taking up NTU because it a direct entry into 2nd year my time & money..blah..
Heehee..met up with *Dear* yesterday..finally! Haha..miss him so much..heehee..he's like half happy and half sian when he know that I gotta into Uni..cause he afraid I would have no time for him..LOL..silly boy..we manage our own time ourself de ma..heehee..anyway..*Dear* I know guys tend to worry about their girlfriend when they got into army..(maybe you are police) long as we stay like this..the bond between us will not break..=) and I also cherish our relationship alot..and I really mean don't worry yeah..muackz ^.^
This is the cap which *Mei mei* bought from Toyko Disney! OMG! It's so darn freaking nice..gosh..I wanna go Japan! Heehee..that girl will be there for like..a month? Enjoying herself yeah..heehee..hope to meet up with her real soon~ & I think her liang liang miss her alot..
This is my * Mei mei*! Heehee..and she say her complexion is getting better wonder all the jap chicks there look so great..but *mei mei* says their makeup is even more powerful..LOL
Yeah! Pictures taken with Julz long's not supposed to be so white..
This is what Travis treated me & Julz yesterday..heehee..because he also got into NTU and he got his pay's like I had been getting alot of treats recently..LOL..okay..but I will treat you guys back k! This jap restaurant..ermm..I forget the name..@ MS..let us wait for around an hour, and when we are so so darn hungry. But the food is great~
ME & Julz!
And then..when we tried to take a pic seems like Julz head is either too small..or she's is just too..ermm..nothing..=p
Finally. LOL..see..I looked so darn tired..LOL..eyes is
GOsh! Our deserts!
GOsh. Pervert detected recently around AMK estate. Girls please be on high alert.
Yeah! Went to get some award for the story telling programme today..and the kids are having some story telling competition..some of them are real of them said he wants to be a prime minister..LOL..
And then..went to celebrate Mrs Soh's belated birthday..heehee..Mr Soh treated us to Suki Sakura @ Toa Payoh..the buffet was great..heehee...see how pretty Mrs Soh is..she look young isn't she?
Group Shoot! This is kinda blur..there's a better one..but don't know which tootie delete it away..
Then when we get nothing better to & Don suggested to go we landed at Seng Kang..when it's already 9pm+..and there's nothing to shop..poor Julz..she wanted to shop around there..but..
This Don is enlisted on the 9th of June..if I am not wrong..god bless him..
Okay..that's about it..people...heehee..meeting up with *Dear* happy..=p eyes are I thought it looked happy. =p
* Ice Age II is darn funny, please watch it. Not much movies nowadays, so boring*
Posted by isly_ger
at 6:53 PM JST
Updated: Sun, 9 Apr 2006 2:20 AM JST